Is work breaking you?

Common Work Disorders

Is work breaking you?

Is work breaking you? 2560 1600 ProductMan

‘Work puts food on the table  

Work puts a roof over your head

Work can change the world

But work can also change you’

For many people work just wasn’t (and shhh spoiler alert – still isn’t) working!

When we wrote this in our debut book, Better off Working Wild, how changing the way we work can make us all better off , there had been no pandemic and life looked very different – but the signs were none the less all there. 

People were feeling underpaid or overworked, undervalued or bored, purposeless, fractious and in some cases exploited – some were feeling a combination of many of these symptoms at once.

For so many, work just wasn’t working.

So how’s it been working for you?

To help with this question – Take a look at our List of common work disorders and give yourself a self diagnostic check up – ask yourself – Why do you work? And How do you do your best work? What do you love about your working life and which parts simply aren’t working for you? 

Although your answers to these questions can, of course, be deeply personal, we can guarantee you will recognise yourself in at least one entry (if not more). And, if that is the case,  it might be comforting to know you wouldn’t be alone. It’s been insightful to hear in many of our recent discussions, insight interviews and workshops how people are struggling to find the conditions on the list of work disorders that ‘don’t’ relate to them, rather than the ones that ‘do’.

So it’s clear, we are no longer the only ones who believe work is broken. It might be equally comforting to hear we’ve always believed that it can be fixed. Work is broken and we offer Working Wild as the antidote.

Working Wild is for everyone who has finished a day exhausted, frustrated and feeling poorer for it. It’s for anyone with an inkling that working life just doesn’t have to be this way. And for anyone that doesn’t want work to estrange themselves from their better selves, from others and from nature.

After all – It’s one thing diagnosing the problem, it’s another thing being prepared to be your own medicine. 

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